This project (503107-2009-DE-GMP) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


In the framework of VIP the following products, instruments and services are being developed

WP1 Stocktaking
1.    Report on definitions and explanatory models
2.    Evaluation framework (brochure)
3.    Concept/Questionnaires/Interview patterns (Assessment concept and materials)
4.    Needs analysis

WP 2: Developing a Validation System for Informal learning in Grundtvig Actions
1.    Compilation of objectives and aspired competences
2.    Draft reference system and procedural descriptions
3.    Feed-back to major stakeholders

WP 3: Developing  Training Course for Adult Learning Projects and Partnerships
1.    Draft Training Curriculum
2.    Training materials
3.    Informal learning patterns; Planning recommendations for informal learning

WP 4: Piloting
2.    Pilot course
3.    Practice report (experiences)

WP 5: Evaluation, Quality Management
1.    Evaluation Framework
2.    External Evaluator’s report
1.    Internal Evaluator’s report

WP 6: Finalisation of concept, course and materials
1.    Evaluation workshop
2.    VIP Binder
3.    Brochure: Collaborative Informal Learning
4.    Procedural descriptions
5.    Training material compilation
6.    Good practice examples

WP 7: Validation and Accreditation
1.    Validation of informal collaborative learning
2.    Accreditation (VIP labels)

WP 8: Dissemination
1.    Dissemination strategy
2.    Corporate Identity
3.    Overall design and layout
4.    Project Flyer
5.    VIP Binder
6.    Project Posters/Roll-ups
7.    Newsletters
8.    Web-portal
9.    Conferences

WP 9: Valorisation and Exploitation
1.    Valorisation Strategy
2.    Strategy paper on organisation and marketing
3.    Establishing the VIP-community
4.    Interactive Web Services
5.    Support Services